Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Is Autism More Condition_symptoms Why Does It Seem Autism Is More Common In Boys Than In Girls?

Why does it seem autism is more common in boys than in girls? - what is autism more condition_symptoms

Autism is so sad. I know it's a mini-big in this state, but it is sad to see a child who is not able to live a "normal".
I do not understand why it is more common in children. Is there any reason for the children, I mean. All known facts about why is that?


Miranda said...

You're right, Austism is very sad. I work with elementary students with autism and it's very difficult to spend what these children and their families.
There are 15 times more children with autism than girls. But if girls have autism, tends to exacerbate them. Some girls are not diagnosed and can better hide their symptoms. The researchers also have a theory about the "X-chromosome, I'll add the link to an article very informative.

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